Our workplace medical assessments will ensure that your staff are fit for the role they have.
Pre-placement medicals are required to protect employees from possible work-related health problems and to protect your company from liability issues.
Periodic assessments to ensure that the health of your employees is monitored on a regular basis.
Work-related skin diseases can affect people in a vast range of occupations. A skin surveillance programme will provide regular checks to reduce the chances of your employees suffering from skin conditions.
Hand-arm vibration syndrome can lead to permanent numbness of fingers, muscle weakness and in some cases bouts of white finger.
We can help diagnose hand-arm vibration syndrome by carrying out certain tests such as your grip strength, your ability to perform fine hand movements and the response of your fingers in cold conditions.
Vision screening is a cost-effective and efficient method of identifying visual impairments or eye conditions so that a referral to an appropriate eye care specialist can be arranged.
For people working within confined spaces or using breathing apparatus. It involves screening, lung function tests (spirometry) and whisper test.
We can carry out breathing apparatus medical examinations and also confined space medicals to ensure that your employees are not at risk.
A lung function (spirometry) assessment is the most common pulmonary function test and can help to diagnose various lung conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
An audio test is performed to determine how well you can hear. This may be done as part of a routine checkup or in response to noticeable hearing loss.
We can carry out a review of health questionnaires which have been completed by your employees.
Who needs health surveillance?
Health surveillance is a system of ongoing health checks. These health checks may be required by law for employees who are exposed to noise or vibration, ionising radiation, solvents, fumes, dust, biological agents and other substances hazardous to health, or who work in compressed air.
How long will my appointment take?
This will depend on what you need. Most medicals take between 20 and 60 minutes. Please check with our receptionist when you book your appointment.
How confidential is my information?
All occupational health medical records are kept securely with access to them by occupational health staff. We comply with GDPR Regulations. The Data Protection Act 2018 controls how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government. The Data Protection Act 2018 is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Yes. The room provided to us must comply with our site requirements; you will be informed of the details. You can book a full-day or half-day site visit.
Do I have any paperwork to complete?
Once your appointment is confirmed, you will be sent an email containing the health questionnaire(s) you need to complete in advance of your appointment.
What does urinalysis test for?
This is an instant test which tests for glucose, ketones, blood and protein.
Who needs a lung function test?
This is a health check of your lungs for employees who have potential exposure to dust and fumes and may go on to develop occupational asthma.
What happens if I don’t pass?
Your employer will be issued with a Fitness Certificate which will detail any health issues and restrictions that we recommend. This could be ‘Fit with restrictions’, ‘Temporarily unfit’ or ‘Unfit’. We may also refer you to your General Practitioner for assessment following your medical with any abnormal results.